These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Be Impacted Most By The Trifecta Super Eclipse

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Four Zodiac signs will notice a substantial shift in energy tonight as the highly-anticipated Trifecta Super Eclipse sets the sky aglow for the first time this year.

According to E!News, the first lunar eclipse of 2024 is slated to take place overnight between September 17th and September 18th, ushering in an energy shift for a handful of signs.

The rare astrological event is being referred to as a "trifecta", as is it a lunar eclipse overlapping a full moon that also happens to be a harvest moon (defined by E!News as "the closest full moon to the autumnal equinox")!

As with many significant astrological happenings, each Zodiac sign will be impacted differently by the super eclipse. In fact, astrology influencer Solel Nastro believes that not one, not two, but four signs should "fasten their seatbelts" as they will surely feel the emotional effects of the exciting event.

"gemini, virgo, sagittarius, & pisces risings!! fasten your seatbelts!! this pisces lunar eclipse 9/17 will affect you the strongest & it’s likely that you’ll experience major turning points & emotional transformations within your relationships (with yourself or others). try to be as open-minded as possible & instead of resisting the discomfort, lean into it."

The post was made complete with a photo of SpongeBob SquarePants hanging on for dear life, representing how gemini, virgo, sagittarius, & pisces risings will feel as the Trifecta Super Eclipse moves across our solar system tonight.

Astrology influencer wetneptune assured that we will all feel some type of way as the lunar event takes place, and that we should try our best to view change and upheaval as clarity.

"Eclipse energy can bring clarity your way in the house it transits through in your birth chart. Rather than experiencing an upheaval in that area of life, you may only receive clarity in that area of life, which will then prompt you to make necessary changes. Sometimes an eclipse will give you the opportunity to make the change first, before making a decision/change for you."

To read about the science behind the first lunar eclipse of 2024 check out!

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